Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The room that feeds the Mikes

I took some pictures of the Mikes' kitchen, because it's very interesting. This fridge has a lot of really good pictures on it, some of which bring back memories. It's a nice one. If you click on it, you'll see a drawing of the Mikes I did, and then a photo I took of them from the same moment. It's nice.
There are lots of toys everywhere...
And I do mean everywhere.


candace & nux said...

thats a LOT of toys. some more creepy than others...

the drawing you did reminds me of the style of a teletoons show, but i cant remember which one for the life of me.

way_away said...

This fridge is VERY interesting to look at.

I LOVE the art, and the photos of the band. What a great memory board... :)